Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Indian Soap Operas

If you ever thought American soap operas were melodramatic, you are in for a real treat. On several occasions the counselors have had the opportunity to catch a few episodes of some Indian soap operas. Nevermind the small obstacle that we don't speak Hindi -- there is very little dialogue. In fact most of a 30 minute episode consists of a close-up of every character's face (and there are at least 7 characters in every scene) for every two words uttered. Indian television is very muted as far as content goes, so any portrayal of violence usually resembles that of a comic book strip. One character just turned around and suddenly three men were on the ground. And if you have never watched a Bollywood film, get yourself down to video store and gear up for 2 to 3 hours of love triangles and family meddling interspersed with random Indian song and dance.

As for what's happening here at camp...the kids are here! You have never met such an awesome group of students. After an exhausting Arrival Day with only a few kinks, everyone is settling in nicely. I think we may all even be adapting to the heat. Last night was our first day of evening activities. I ran one of my favorite staples: improv games. I was hesitant to believe that I could occupy these kids for three hours this way, but it actually turned out really well; the feedback reported to counselors has all been very positive!

With classes having started, the counselors have a little bit more time to catch their breath. Today a few of us took a rickshaw down to the store to stockpile some personal supplies. Each of the ladies bought a Sari, the traditional garment worn by Hindu women in India (and a few other places in the world, too!) I spent awhile this afternoon looking up how to wear mine, and I think I've got it. I kind of just want to wear it, but I can't decide if that might make people here stare any more than they already do here. The Americans really stick out like a sore thumb -- add on our camp neon orange and green lanyards, you might as well put flashing lights on us.

I have been told that tonight the dining hall is serving Chinese food. Indian Chinese food is supposed to be quite good, so I am very excited! Not to mention that as much as I love Indian food, there is only so much curry one can take. We are spoiled on variety in the States. I may have to snag some McDonald's on my day off. It's not something I ever eat at home, but I have been told that McDonald's here is actually much better than in America. Go figure.

Sometime during the term one of our dear counselors insists upon hugging an elephant. Pictures will be entirely necessary. I also saw that huge monkey again on campus while I was showing my girls around for the first time. Alas! I was once again caught without a camera. I swear that he is watching me, and it is a constant concern that I am going to wake up with this monkey on my balcony one night. My balcony door also tends to blow open during the night, so he could even creep into my bed. I'm just a tad thrilled/terrified by that thought.

P.S. Thursday's high is 46 C. That's like...a million degrees. Seriously, my brain has melted a bit more by the end of each day.

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