Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Feelin Hot Hot Hot!

We have landed safely in Ahmedabad with very little delay along the way (though our friends going through Heathrow will not arrive for another five hours or so...thanks a lot, Iceland).

The staff is still pretty disoriented, and the culture shock did not ease matters any this morning. Driving in India is like playing a real-life version of MarioKart on steroids. The paint indicating lane division on the roads is either worn away or non-existent -- not that it matters. Indians drive on whichever part of the pavement they please. They must do so to avoid the many bicycles, rickshaws (small three-wheeled motor-powered cabs), pedestrians, dogs, cows, and even camels that flit about. I swear our taxi driver nearly plowed over numerous people this morning. Let's just say that a powerful car horn is an absolute necessity to driving in India.

The time difference here is 9 1/2 hours head of Eastern Standard Time (I know, I thought the half was weird, too). When we stepped out of the airport this morning around 6am it was already around 84 F. The thermometer climbs with the sun -- this afternoon should top out around 113. To make sure that we roast, our dorms have no air-conditioning. I figure if I can survive a Minnesota winter then an Indian summer should be the test of my other extreme.

Hopefully we will all be adjusted to the heat, the time change, and the campus by the time the students arrive this weekend. The buildings are primarily made of plain stone, but no fear, the residential staff is already brainstorming ways to make this place more cheery with the help of our students. We have three small buildings, each with their own courtyard, which surround a small quad-like area. Elizabeth has suggested that each dorm invent a flag to hang, and then we can cover our balconies with banners. So far I am a fan, though I admittedly am rather afraid that the sun will melt off any paint...

So far so good with the food, but then again I have only had a small breakfast in the dining hall. I have PB&J to back me up just in case I pine for a good old American classic. As some of you know, I thoroughly enjoy trying Coca-Cola in every country I visit. I added Qatar to the list (which is right next to Saudi Arabia)...it is surprisingly sweet! Italy still takes 1st place in the International Coca-Cola taste test, though. I will update when I try Indian Coke!

For now I'm off to check out the air-conditioned lounge and avoid the zombie cat which stalks around campus.

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